It seems like yesterday that life was plodding along in a groundhog day-like fashion when out of left field came Covid-19.
None of us could have predicted that the entire planet would and could be affected by a single virus. Populations were brought to a standstill and compelled to stay inside their own homes and find a whole new way of functioning realistically within their lives.

Everything changed in the blink of an eye. And with it, a great many of us lost our jobs. The pandemic forced us to re-think or look at things from a new perspective.
Me being one of those people.
My industry was brought to a complete halt.
I recently wrote about this year and how it has affected me personally on another makeup artist – Kayla Matisi‘s website. So check out what I have to say about 2020 via Kayla’s site here.
Who knows where we go from here. Or exactly how long we will be wearing masks, using hand sanitizer instead of hand lotion. We avoid going anywhere near other people when doing the groceries and avoiding eye contact and all forms of communication in the meantime.

All I can say is, if you told me in January that I would be a blogger, sharing my thoughts and opinions with you, I would have laughed!
Sometimes the most significant lessons come out of the greatest risk. And in becoming a blogger, I have created a routine. A new purpose and at least the vague sense of a job that has certainly got me through the last four months relatively unscathed.
So please, feel free to check out my guest post for Kayla’s blog. She is an incredibly interesting young lady.
I look forward to having her guest post on Utter Musings shortly. Can’t wait!
Featured Image by Manuel Venturin